The One and Only Requirement To Make Money Online is to register an account on the Earn or Make Money Online With Zero Investment, no investment or without any investment - register a free account at ALERTPAY now ALERTPAY and at Earn or Make Money Online With Zero Investment, No Investment, or Without Any Investment - register a free account at PAYPAL now PAYPAL , they are like Internet Banks, they keep your money or cash or funds online in the form of e-currency, which you can later use to shop online (like paying for premium RapidShare account, for Yahoo
premium account, or purchase other stuffs online at eBay etc.) or transfer that money into your own bank account via "Bank Transfer" or "Bank Wire ", you can also transfer that money to your Credit/Debit card, and you can also request "Money Check(or Cheque)" which will be speed posted to your home address within two-three weeks if you are Non-US Residence. All these facilities are available on both AlertPay and PayPal, and creating an account on both AlertPay and PayPal is free of charge. In this online world, they are also commonly referred as "Online Payment Processors".
The steps are simple, First you will earn money from the different ways given below and then on request they will be transferred to either AlertPay or PayPal
and then you can utilize that money online or at real world or better you can invest it to earn more. So get your free PayPal and AlertPay account right now, they are must required if you wish to make money online with no investment or zero investment or without any investment.
Remember the most important thing before registering an account :
> You must make a PERSONAL ACCOUNT, "NOT" a "PREMIER ACCOUNT" or a "BUSSINESS ACCOUNT". Creating all the three types of account is free of cost then why so? The answer is - You will be charged some fee for receiving online funds (=money) if your account is NOT a
Personal Account. The Personal account is an account of low level, used by the users who make small transactions online and they are not charged any Transaction Fee. High level accounts like Premier and Business are charged transaction fees for both Sending and Receiving online funds. So you will simply waste your money in paying transactions fee and will never receive the whole amount of money which you will earn from different ways of making money.
Hope you understand.
> You must make a PERSONAL ACCOUNT, "NOT" a "PREMIER ACCOUNT" or a "BUSSINESS ACCOUNT". Creating all the three types of account is free of cost then why so? The answer is - You will be charged some fee for receiving online funds (=money) if your account is NOT a
Personal Account. The Personal account is an account of low level, used by the users who make small transactions online and they are not charged any Transaction Fee. High level accounts like Premier and Business are charged transaction fees for both Sending and Receiving online funds. So you will simply waste your money in paying transactions fee and will never receive the whole amount of money which you will earn from different ways of making money. Hope you understand.
Surbhi Maheshwari [MBA Fin / Mktg ]
Manager Finance
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